Tuesday, March 29, 2016

5 simple things you can do to reduce environment pollution.

Below are list of simple things you can do about environment pollution. These small steps if everyone takes responsibility in following, the results will be inspiring.

Carry bags:

One of the main thing we should do is reduce (if possible avoid) usage of Carry Bags. Carry bags can cause harm if they are burnt or even if thrown in an empty land. It take hundreds of years to decompose a thrown bag and they release harmful gases when burnt which are dangerous to the environment and to both humans & animals.

As a first step you can reduce the usage of these carry bags. Always carry a cotton or jute bags with you when ever going out for shopping. Even if you are going for purchasing smaller amounts of items carry with you instead of taking new bags every time. The best plan would be to always have a cotton or jute bag in your vehicle itself or have a list of things to check whenever you go out and add these bags to that list.

Reuse the bags already taken. Many times when we do cloth or grocery shopping’s in malls we get carry bags, we can make a habit of storing those bags in one place and taking the same bags back for next time purchase. Instead of taking new bags every time we can use already existing ones.

The best and much needed step is to completely avoid using the carry bags.

LED bulbs

If you check the website http://www.delp.in/  you can notice how many LED bulbs are being distributed by Indian government every second. You can also find the area near you where you can collect these LED bulbs. LED bulbs are far batter for household usage compared to other type of bulbs. A single LED bulb has potential to work for 2-3 years and it consumes 90% less electricity compared to what normal CFL or incandescent bulbs. E.g.: if normal bulbs consume 60 watts LED would be consuming around 6-8watts.

The decision to use LED bulbs will help household in two ways, one the energy consumption comes down and second the life of these bulbs is much more compared to normal bulbs. Ex: An LED bulb used for 8 hours a day has expected life of 10 years or more. Even you can purchase online LED bulbs and there are several articles online which helps in choosing good LED bulb or how to handle LED bulbs.

5 Star Rating

This one you need to remember while purchasing any new electronic items. Any electronic items like fans, TV’s fridge’s or any thing purchase the one’s having 5-start rating. Now a days most of the good brands are providing 5-star rated items, these items consume less power and also will have long life compared to other less star rated items.

Remember “A unit saved is equivalent to 2 units generated.”

Yes it is true. If each of us take basic responsibility and reduce the wastage of power by switching off the fans, lights, TV’s, mobile charging, computer monitors and other power supplied items in our home/office timely that will save a lot of power. We just need to be bit careful about the way we are using the things. Every unit of energy you save is equivalent to 2 units generated.

Electricity Consumption:

You can get a rough estimate of your electricity consumption through below link

India only.


Plant trees.

Make it a habit of planting a tree for every festival, special occasion and during a happy moment. Every birthday you can make a habit of planting a new tree. There are several websites which accept donations and plant trees. Trees are not useful they are mandatory they help in reducing CO2 levels, they help in preventing soil erosion, help reducing air pollution, helps in maintaining rainfall and many other advantages.

The best time plant a tree was 20 years go and the second best time is now. – Chinese Proverb.

Educate others

The most important thing is to educate others. There are many people around us with highly qualified educations but what they lack is a basic thing called ‘information’. Let me put it this way, most people around us doesn’t know the amount of wastage their daily habits causing and the damage they are causing to the environment. We just have to make them understand that they don’t need to convert their entire home into a eco-friendly one or they don’t need to stop using all electronic items & vehicles, but by being bit careful and taking simple steps in preventing the wastage in our daily habits we can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. This will in turn help us to have a better future and even help the coming generations. Each of us should start taking responsibility.

It is always better to prevent than to cure.

Thanks VV!!

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